Monday, September 22, 2008

Who knew?

I always wondered why anybody blogged, or rather why anyone read blogs. I thought, "I have friends, and family to confide in, I don't need a blog." I certainly don't have time to read blogs let alone post my own.
But here I am writing this, my first blog entry and feeling a huge sense of relief that there is a place I can unleash the thoughts that travel through my brain leaving obvious tracks because I think them so often. I don't know who will read them, care or participate but I suppose it is a bit like stumbling upon someone's diary. You can't help but read these confidences and once you begin you can't wait to turn the page.
I'd like to pretend to be that interesting but I am every woman; a Mom, a teacher, a wife, a sister, engaging at times but boring  as well. I am opinionated but non-confrontational, I am a good person, a spiritual person but not religious. I am the usual bundle of idiosyncrasies and contradictions wrapped up in my own unique package. I am every woman, and a blogger. Who knew?

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