Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year, New Number

Amid all the claims of "New Year, New You", I am spending the first day of the new year with a new number-50!  To celebrate the auspicious event, I woke up with a new pimple. Just a little reminder that life isn't fair. Life lessons abound and I'm not sure I would call my revelations wisdom but I have learned a few things. Some are serious and some are humorous which pretty sums up my life and how I have managed to make it this far.

The Rules for Being Human is a great collection of opportunity for self-reflection. You can check them out here:
One of those rules; a lesson is repeated until learned, isn't entirely true because time, experience and  perspective alter the lesson. The tsunami of growing up with my Mom has long since subsided but the ripples can still be felt. Many of the things I thought I had made peace with, have resurfaced in the raising of my own child. Being a wife, and mother caring for others daily has taught me compassion and I can even extend empathy to my own Mom.

On the flip side, you can learn from your mistakes. Live long enough and you will see trends come back around. This is especially true with fashion as a walk across a college campus will reveal. I have seen waistlines and hemlines rise and fall like empires. Colors and patterns that dazzle and disappoint. People will freeze or roast to wear what is in style rather than what is weather appropriate. I have done my time and find that if I can't move in or feel comfortable with apparel, I don't wear it. I think not getting sucked in to what everyone else is wearing is "wisdom".

Being true to yourself doesn't always mean what you think it means. Unless you are genetically blessed or have a lot of time and money, you have to find a balance between your body and your face. If you get too lean when you are of a certain age, your face looks gaunt, never mind your neck which Nora Ephron wrote an entire book about. The leanest I have ever been made me like my legs  (as much as I ever have) but not my face. Luckily, I can cover my legs most of the time so a few extra pounds and a lot of sunscreen has helped me find a sense of balance.

Speaking of balance; my bullshit tolerance is at an all time low. I can shine a lot of things on but I am pretty tired of people that say one thing and do another or follow rules because, "that's the way it's always been done". I am still not comfortable being the odd one out, the naysayer, or, let's just say "unique" but it is who I am. I do endeavor to choose wisely when offering my opinion and also be kind but seriously people, get real!


Melissa said...

Yes. Yes to it all. And WTH is up with the face/ leg discrepancy as you lose weight? My chin has never looked so pointy. On a serious note, I'm glad you were born. The world is a much better place with you in it. (And your pimple. Haha.)

everywoman said...

Thank you, the feeling is mutual! :-)