Friday, April 10, 2020

Cattitudes & Pug Tales

These paws leave big prints
Milo is the big brother. Fourteen weeks older than Poppy and here for a week before she came home. He has grown like a weed and won't be a year old until mid-July. He was listed as a tabby at Friends for Life Rescue but there is definitely some Maine Coon in that cat. He is incredibly patient with Poppy and a big fluffy lover when he's not being aloof, or the cat gods are talking to him!

Milo has decided the best time to get his belly rubbed is when I am on the toilet. The toilet is low to the ground and I can't resist him when he rubs past, flips over on his back and meows imploringly.

So, the other morning I stumble into the bathroom half asleep, drop my pajama bottoms and Milo rubs past as I am sitting down. He's got a pretty long tail he swishes with authority and I sat right on it. He took a step and was about to do his flip when he realized he was stuck. Of course, I lifted up and set him free immediately but he just glared at me like I did it on purpose. I told him that was payback for the lasagna incident.

The last time I made lasagna was at the end of a Sunday that I had spent cleaning. The final chore I did before I started cooking was steam mopping my floors. The sauce was simmering in a covered pan and the noodles were boiling. I prepared a Pyrex dish, rubbing olive oil on the bottom and sides and leaving it on the counter to let Poppy outside. When I came back Milo was standing in the Pyrex dish! I yelled at him saying the same thing I always do if he dares to jump up on the kitchen counter. "Goddamn it Milo!" Sorry if that offends. Milo promptly jumped down leaving a trail of olive oil paw prints on my freshly mopped floor. Honestly, I'm still a little ticked that his paw-dicure came at the cost of my clean floor!

Why yes, I am chewing a rock, but look how cute I am!

Poppy is the little sister, seven months old and she has fully embraced her sassy diva tendencies. She was the runt and did not make her debut until 12 hours after her siblings but she has caught up and is no longer tiny. She's very social and loves people and other dogs. I probably shouldn't let her jump up but she gives little hugs and ear nibbles that are so endearing, I hate to reprimand her. I know, I'm soft! 

Social distancing is not something she understands, so I try to walk her when foot traffic is light. She's a terrible walker. She pulls, meanders and sniffs like she's never gonna smell anything again. I'm working with her and she is improving with practice.

Her latest behavior is to growl and posture at other dogs since she can't play with them. I take her on two walks a day with the morning being the longer of the two. I've always enjoyed walking and since I'm not working as much, and mostly from home, she isn't getting tuckered out at doggy day care. I'm sure the cat appreciates my efforts. Poppy spends the rest of her day, eating sleeping, chewing sticks and rocks in the backyard and Milo in the house! It would be far worse without all the walking.

Speaking of the back yard, Miss Poppy Pug does not appreciate birds landing in her yard. She especially dislikes grackles and the noises they make. I'm pretty sure Poppy thinks working from home means I'm here to open and close the door for her when she wants to go out and in. No dog door for me. The rental I am in backs to a busy street so Milo is a house cat. I'd love to have a catio because I know he is curious but I want to keep him safe.

I do love the little beasts and find them incredibly amusing but I am trying to squeeze a bit of training in while I am home so they're not totally incorrigible. Both Poppy and Milo know sit, stay and come. I think my smart cat realized he would get treats too if he performed the same commands. I spend more time watching their antics than television and am surprised to discover it's late and time for bed.

Brother from another mother, sister from another mister, they are siblings.  


The day starts early, with a small battle between me and Milo over when I'll get up. The coffee maker turns on at 5 and by 5:08 the five beeps that let me know it's ready make Poppy jump out of bed. Sometimes he's a bit more patient but usually around 4-4:30, Milo starts trying to coerce me to get up. I say "No Milo, it's not time yet" but he disagrees. I will not cave to a cat, so I spend that part of the morning stopping him from prancing across my bladder or biting Poppy on the neck. Occasionally he cooperates and gives me a bit of a snuggle but usually he tests his will against mine and tries to drag his little sister into the skirmish.

Luckily, it's an easy start after that. I let Poppy out (she is fully potty trained, yay!) Get them both their breakfasts and a treat. I'm soft remember? Fix my coffee and return to bed to scroll through a bit of social media, check email and then, when the pets are fully settled, I meditate. Sometimes they are more agreeable than others but once they've eaten and done their business, I get a little time. After that, Poppy and I take our first stroll and the day starts again. Hard to say what shenanigans these two will get into next!

1 comment:

Pat G said...

Thank you for sharing this story with me. Loved reading it. Sounds like they really keep you hopping.