Friday, October 14, 2022


The weather is finally starting to cool. The change has been most noticeable in the mornings and I have extended my walks a bit. This past weekend was delightful and I opened my windows for a short while on Sunday! Poppy & I hit the Western Power Line Trail. We only do this once a week because it requires crossing Val Vista Dr (a very busy street) twice. A good friend introduced me to this route during the Pandemic. Life has changed for both of us and I've missed our walks so, on Sunday I revisit this route.

The Western Power Line trail is a bit busier than the trail running North/South midway between Val Vista & Greenfield. The buzzing of the lines and the foot & bike traffic are more noticeable E/W vs. N/S. I tried to find a name for the N/S trail but other than this Interactive Bicycle Trail Map, I was not able to name the trail. While heading east on the Western Power Line Trail, we encounter some chickens and goats and an occasional sheep. I haven't seen the goats or sheep lately and of course I wonder where they've ended up  and if they are still alive?

As we intersect the N/S trail there are a series of poles. I'm not sure if they are supposed to slow bike traffic or keep vehicles from using the trail, but I refer to one of them as the "Harry Potter Pole". You can probably guess why...Gryffindor! Actually, my house is Ravenclaw but I digress. We head north and turn into the neighborhood called Sonoma Ranch. It's probably ridiculous but I'm from Sonoma County and for some reason the name makes me feel connected to my roots.

From here we travel back towards my neighborhood and another crossing over Val Vista. Poppy is highly stimulated by the traffic and would run to her death if I somehow dropped the leash. Sometimes I pick her up and carry her across. I keep hoping immersion therapy will help but so far, not. I breathe a sigh of relief after we cross the street and head back to our neighborhood.

I've been watching for the return of the owls. They usually come back and take residence at the neighborhood park as the weather cools and leave when it heats up. Literal snowbirds! Their nests have mostly survived the Monsoon season, though I can't say the same for some of the trees and branches. We got a lot of rain this season which is a good thing but of course, it came with a price. So many downed trees and branches and I worry about the animals that make their homes there.

So, the owls haven't returned and I have not become the curiosity of my neighbors that visit the park just yet!  Every year I wonder if they think I am speaking to the Lord as I look up and say hello to the owls. :-) Yep, I greet all of the animals I encounter, including those that have met an untimely demise. I usually say something like, "I'm sorry friend, I hope you had a good life." I somehow feel like someone should acknowledge their passing. So there it is...I talk to animals both dead or alive. Maybe I am crazy?!

Today was a full day for me and I took Poppy to see her BFF, aka the dog sitters pug. On my way out of the neighborhood, two ducks stepped off of the median into oncoming traffic. I said aloud, "please slow down, please don't kill the ducks!" The guy in the white Kia Soul did slow a bit. The ducks took flight and as I began to relax, the guy looked at me and grinned. I looked at my clasped hands and noticed my worried grimace in the rear view and realized I must've been a sight. Who cares? The ducks lived to see another day, go ahead and laugh!

When I was a kid, one of my sisters gave me the Little House on the Prairie books and another gave me All Creatures Great & Small. I love animals and nature. It is part of the reason I have stopped eating red meat and am working toward vegetarianism like my daughter who also loves animals. For me, the issue is not that we eat meat but that livestock is treated so poorly while alive. No field(s) to roam, literally tortured until slaughter. I can't live with that, so I protest in my own way.

So, back to the weather! I love this time of year. The sun rises later and sets earlier but still allows me time to walk and enjoy nature. I appreciate the slant of light. The way the sunrise takes time to glide across the earth casting rays through the trees and sending dappled light across the streets and sidewalks. I like the way the mornings feel almost chilly and the promise of cooler weather and the cozy season. I found this recipe and my daughter and I are excited to fire up the oven and bake cookies. Scary Peanut Butter Spider Cookies

We've started some new endeavors, my girl & I. I hope the very best for both of us both in terms of our pursuits and enjoying the changes that come with the season. Framing change as excitement vs. anxiety can help to successfully navigate those changes Anxiety/Excitement. I hope that for you too! We can all use a bit of rest and something to look forward to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It’s ok, Dr Doolittle talked to the animals too😊