Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Too Pooped to Party

 I spent a fitful night and woke up to my cat Milo patting my arm before the coffee maker came on at 5am.

"You're not the boss of me", I mumbled sleepily. He assured me he was with a loud meow and 

commenced jumping on the bed and walking across my body to prove it. Men!

My fitness tracker sealed the deal, four hours of sleep with a failing sleep score and a long day ahead. 

Today is the fourth of July and apparently I missed the memo that last night was the firework dress 

rehearsal. Patience and impulse control be damned.

I managed to do all the usual house maintenance. Feeding pets, walking Poppy, cleaning the cat box, a 

load of laundry and then off to work. Four group classes and a private training and I was spent. I came 

home, ate and vegged for a while. I barely interacted with people other than work. Usually I post and text 

4th of July greetings to friends and family. Instead, I'm trying to find the sweet spot for my evening stroll

 with the dog.  That looks like the lowest possible temperature before it's dark and the shenanigans begin.

There's been a lot of extra adulting lately. After losing Harvey bunny, my manager quit and with summer 

vacations and holidays, there's been a scramble to find last minute coverage for classes. My schedule has 

been extra busy both at work and with appointments. Next week, I may have jury duty. Not sure when I 

drew the short straw but I get called almost like clock work every two years.

Sunday morning I found out that a dear friend had passed. I took a little time to myself but with the above 

status, I'm going to have to push through this week. There's a bit of breathing space next week, assuming I

 am not chosen to serve.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those times of overwhelm, as I call it, can leave me teetering on the edge. Thank goodness it will and does pass but the in between is the tricky part