Saturday, February 22, 2020

Part 2

I texted my landlord and was surprised by a quick response. I just wanted to know where the main water shut off was outside. He called and while he was still talking about where it was and how it took a lot of twisting to shut it off, I was already in the house having completed the task. He seemed surprised and remarked that it was nice to have someone with a brain in the house. If that was the litmus test, I must be a genius!
The owners of the home are very nice people but seem to be over extended between all of their commitments. The home has been lived in roughly and a number of things need to be repaired or replaced. I am trying my best to be an assertive, responsible tenant without being annoying or taking too much on myself. The last time I rented, the owners were responsive and easy to work with and kept the home in good shape.
At any rate, I was able to change my schedule a bit to accommodate the replacement of the shower handle. Admittedly, I was tired from the early morning kid drop off but I was on the verge of tears all day. I am exhausted. Working 5 jobs is too much, even though they are all part-time. I have opted not to teach the next 8 week module at job number 5, and have scaled back a bit at Job number 3 as well.
I can't seem to find a full-time job in my industry and have begun to contemplate looking elsewhere.
I recently applied to two jobs I felt qualified for, even taking a required skills test that one employer asked for. This timed test measured your attention to detail with various scenarios including customer situations, graphs, invoices, etc. There were five classifications that could be earned. Even with a puppy scratching to get outside and a kid calling me from the other room, I scored "highly proficient". Expert was the only higher classification. I have managed in multiple environments, received letters from reference from every employer I have asked for one. Still, I hear that another candidate was more qualified, assuming I earned an interview in the first place. Or, my personal favorite, you are over-qualified. Still, any answer is better than the void, especially if you were  actually interviewed.

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